Worcestershire County Council
Change of Details for a Worcestershire Concessionary Bus Pass
In order to change the details on your Worcestershire Concessionary Bus Pass, you will need to supply supporting evidence as detailed below:
Depending on which details you want to change, you will need to supply the following
Change of Name - Proof of your name change (e.g. copy of your marriage certificate/deed poll certificate)
Change of Address - Proof of your residency (e.g. copy of your council tax statement)
Additional information about Concessionary Bus Passes
During the application process, there will be an option to upload the documents requested. If you are unable to do this and will be supplying the documents by post, please
do not
send original documents. An address will be provided on application submission.
Please read the above and tick the confirmation box below when you are ready to continue
I have read the above and confirm that I can supply the required evidence and photograph
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