Community Services Directory

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Search the Community Directory for details and information about organisations e.g. charities, community groups and businesses local to you and based on your needs
(CCP) Caring for Communities and People
Homelessness Prevention and Engagement Services covering the districts of Worcester City, Wychavon, Malvern Hills, Wyre Forest, Redditch and Bromsgrove.  Referrals accepted via Local Housing Authorities and our local drop-in's.

10th Worcester Scouts
The 10th Worcester (Crown East) Scout Group is based at Crown East on the A44 Bromyard Road about two miles to the west of Worcester.

 We have a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack and a Scout Troop providing scouting for about 70 young people aged 6 to 14

1st Redditch Scout Group
Volunteer organisation offering great opportunities for adults to develop skills with excellent training available. Fantastic setting for young people to develop skills and make life long friendships.

1st Worcester Scout Group
We are a group serving the St Peters and surrounding areas in Worcester. We meet at our headquarters in Norton Road, St Peters, Worcester.

Our section meetings regularly throughout the week. We offer a wide range of activities and are lucky enough to have, not only our own qualified instructors, but our own equipment. Young people are offered the opportunities.

A varied program including badges and awards but also exciting events such as climbing, archery, air rifles, water sports, hillwalking, cooking on open fires and not to forget, camping. Activities are governed by Scout HQ rules and supervised by trained adult volunteers.

A World Of Opportunities.

20th Worcester Scout Group
Scout group serving Warndon Villages and surrounding area.  Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, Scout, and Explorer sections available.

3 Counties Holistic Healthcare 3CHH
3 Counties Holistic Healthcare   Provides self- healing empowering workshops and holistic complementary therapies  to support people struggling with  their mental and physical health. Community   based often funded or a  donation. Treatments only available when one self healing workshop  has been fully attended. 

6th Bromsgrove Scout Group
We are a local Scout Group that is part of Bromsgrove District.
We offer squirrals 4-6yrs Beavers 6-8 yrs cubs 8-10.5 yrs Scouts 10.5-14yrs

Acorns Children's Hospice
Children's hospice charity offering care and support to life limited and life threatened children, young people and their families.

Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis is a national charity which aims to stop Pulmonary Fibrosis and to enable people living with Pulmonary Fibrosis to lead the best life possible.
Pulmonary fibrosis (lung scarring) describes a group of interstitial lung diseases where the lungs become progressively stiffer and smaller, eventually leading to low oxygen levels in the blood. Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) affects around 70,000 people in the UK. Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis is a life limiting disease.
Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis (APF) directly funds research to find a cure, raises awareness of  PF and improves access to high quality care through campaigning and education as well as raising funds to fuel our mission. We also provide direct support through:
PF support line available Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm. Tel: 01223785725  Our team including a specialist nurse can provide information on living with PF, practical support and signposting to relevant services
Befriending - our trained team of volunteers have lived experience of PF, listen with empathy and are non judgemental
Information. Visit our website to download or order copies of our information packs for people recently diagnosed with PF, their families and carers and a host of other information including PF and Benefits and treatments for PF. You can also sign up for our e news bulletin and Insider Magazine
Local Support Groups for people living with or affected by PF and online groups for Carers and transplant patients. Contact Cathy Jackson-Read Network Support Co-ordinator on 07931 745886 or search local support groups on our website.
We also offer information and support to Healthcare Professionals. See our website or contact Cathy for more information.

Active Bromsgrove
Active Bromsgrove bringing you localised fun, physical and health specialist activities across the Borough.  Including but not limited to; exercises for older people, falls prevention sessions and other specialised health classes. There is also youth provision including our Holiday Activities & Food programme (HAF), as well as sports and activities where you can find suitable sports clubs in the area.

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