MHFA Mental Health First Aider Qualification 

This course is fully booked.
If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please click on 'Add to waiting list' and complete your details below.
Aims and Objectives:
• The Youth MHFA two-day course qualifies you as a Youth Mental Health First Aider.

This aims to provide you with
• An in depth understanding of young people’s mental health and factors that affect wellbeing
• Practical skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues
* Confidence to reassure and support a young person in distress
• Enhanced interpersonal skills such as non-judgmental listening
• Knowledge to help a young person recover their health by guiding them to further support – whether that’s through self-help sites, their place of learning, the NHS, or a mix – engaging with parents, carers and external agencies where appropriate
• The ability to support a young person with a long-term mental health issue or disability to thrive
• Tools to look after your own mental wellbeing

If you are attending face to face training then please note lunch is provided on both days - please ensure any dietary needs are noted at the point of booking

Cost: this course is heavily subsidised due to purchase the Education Safeguarding Support SLA.
Price with SLA is free
Price without SLA Is £155 + VAT
Cost for Early Years Settings & Childminders - £80 + VAT
Funding Eligibility and Course Prices
Course Fee: £155.00
You will be able to join this course for Free/No charge, if you meet one of the following criteria:
  • School / Academy or MAT have purchased the Safeguarding SLA
Virtual Delivery
Online learning
Times and Duration 
Session code: 83303
09/07/2024 09:00 - 16:30
Virtual Delivery
Session code: 83303
16/07/2024 09:00 - 16:30
Virtual Delivery
Last booking date: 26/06/2024
Fully Booked, select to add to waiting list