Webcast: Supporting Behaviour through Positive Communication 


Having worked in early years for many years, how to best support behaviour is a common theme which can sometimes cause frustration and feelings of hopefulness within a setting. The requirement to ‘manage children’s behaviour can be argued as not conducive to raising confident, emotionally resilient children, ready for the wider world. It denotes an image of containing behaviours, of fighting fire rather than looking for the cause, of squashing emotions and feelings as they are uncomfortable to deal with. It is therefore time to reframe our thinking, to move away from an authoritative stance and embrace behaviour as an opportunity to teach and empower children to learn through experience.

This 70 minute webcast is an ideal addition to any team meeting to instigate reflection and thought about how best to promote positive behaviour through our communication. It is designed for you to pause as you wish so you are able to engage in professional discussion, exploring current thinking around this emotive subject.


  • Group Settings: £25 + VAT per webcast purchase - this is for your whole staff team regardless of numbers
  • Childminders: £17.50 + VAT

This webcast is aimed at early years settings caring for children aged 0-4 years old and is suitable for schools who provide early years provision prior to reception class.

Once you have purchased the webcast you will receive an email with clarification on how to access the webcast.

Additional Information: 

What will happen / how do i get the webcast information?

  • Book your place (only the manager needs to book a place) as you would do normally
  • Once your place is booked you will receive a confirmation email which will clarify how to access the webcast - this is via a google drive. All links and steps are in the confirmation email. Access the webcast as many times as you require by your team - there is no limit. 
  • The training team on a weekly basis will process invoices for the webcast 
  • If you encounter issues accessing the webcast  via the google drive link provided please contact the training team by emailing workforcesupport@worcschildrenfirst.org.uk
  • Once you / your team have watched the webcast if you have questions then please contact the early years team directly by emailing eycc@worcestershire.gov.uk
Virtual Delivery
Online learning
Times and Duration 
Session code: 85128
Virtual Delivery