3 - Multiply

Be the first to find out which courses are available via Multiply. These courses will be free and available to anyone aged 19+ that does not have a Grade C (or equivalent) in Maths GCSE.
Additional Information: Multiply courses will help build your confidence with numbers and give you everyday math skills that can then help lead to a qualification.

Most of our courses are subsidised either wholly or in part by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). The ESFA require us to collect information about our learners to monitor how their funding is being spent and to gauge the effectiveness of our equality and diversity policy. You will therefore be asked to submit further enrolment data once you have booked your place. We only collect data that is required by the ESFA, and use it in line with our privacy notice. We may not be able to offer you a place on our courses if you're unable to provide us with the required information. We endeavour to continue to provide free and subsidised courses for the people of Worcestershire. We thank you for your cooperation. 

Free/No charge
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We will add your details to our wait list and then contact you as new Multiply based courses become available.