Worcestershire County Council
Highways Extent Enquiry
This form must be used for all highways extents enquiries. Please use ONE per property / Site.
A plan which clearly shows the property or site boundary MUST accompany this form.
Please be aware that unless otherwise stated a plan will be provided showing the highway extent abutting the site/property to include up to 50m either side. If you wish the area to include more roads/area please mark appropriate areas on your supplied plan.
Please do not use this form for CON 29 Searches.
CON 29 searches can be submitted by visiting the
CON29 Highway Enquiry page
Your information will be used to process and manage your highway extent enquiry. For further information about how the Council uses your personal data, including your rights as a data subject, please see our
Privacy Notice
on our website.
Please note we are unable to provide any measurements on plans. The plan is provided for your interpretation, and it is advised that this should NOT be used for scaling purposes.
* Indicates a required field
Property/Site Details
Accurate property addresses for the search area need to be entered as inaccurate addresses may lead to delayed responses if we cannot identify the property location and may present difficulties in locating the Enquiry if there are subsequent queries regarding the response.
House No/Name / Land At
Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
-- Please Select a District --
Malvern Hills
Worcester City
Wyre Forest
Please note: If supplying Easting and Northing, please ensure that you provide both, and that they are both 6 digits in length
Easting (if supplying, must be 6 digits)
Northing (if supplying, must be 6 digits)
Your Reference
Additional Enquiries
If additional enquiries are required with this highway extent, please list in the box below.
Your Contact Details
Contact Phone Number
Add another email
Your Address
Company Name (if applicable)
House Name or No.
Address 1
Address 2
Boundary Plan
Please upload a plan which
shows the boundary of the property/site.
Files must be smaller than 75MB
File Name
No files uploaded...
Please attach at least one plan which clearly shows the property or site boundary
Please choose the size of plan and the enquiry turnaround option you require
Our expedited option is not available at the moment due to current workload
---Please select---
A4 (standard enquiry)
A3 (standard enquiry)
A2 (standard enquiry)
A1 (standard enquiry)
A0 (standard enquiry)
Please note:
An A4 plan is at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500
Upon receipt of this request, should the search site require a different sized plan, we will advise you of this. In addition:
If a larger size is required, we will advise you of any extra cost
If a smaller size is appropriate, we will offer you a partial refund
A complete refund will be available at this point if you decide not to proceed with the enquiry.
If you are in doubt about the fee and/or size of plan required, please contact:
Privacy Policy