7794: Raising Awareness of Exploitation and Vulnerability 

Course Outline:
Safeguarding Children, young people and vulnerable adults is everybody’s responsibility. This raising awareness of Exploitation & Vulnerability course aims to raise your awareness of:
 Vulnerability
 Adverse childhood experiences
 Organised Crime Groups/Gangs
 Modern Day Slavery
 Consent for sexual activity
 Child Sexual Exploitation
 Criminal Exploitation
 Appropriate Language and use of
 National Referral Mechanism
 GDPR/Disclosure
 Pathways/ Diversionary/sharing of intelligence

Learning Objectives
 Highlight personal and situational factors of vulnerability, thereby raising the awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences and ways to address them
 Definitions covering vulnerability, consent, criminal & sexual exploitation, modern day slavery, OCG’s and gangs
 Develop an understanding of indicators that may show within various forms of exploitation/modern day slavery, with push and pull factors
 Understand the National Referral Mechanism, knowing whether their agency is a first responder and if not how to raise concerns to ensure the vulnerable are protected
 Identify the key considerations necessary when receiving a disclosure and the impact of trauma on any disclosure
 Understand the individual’s professional accountability and responsibility for sharing under GDPR thereby recognising the importance of documentation and record keeping in the effective protection of those identified as vulnerable, ensuring non victim blaming language is used and relevant and appropriate intelligence/information is shared
 Understand the processes to get the right help at the right time for the identified vulnerable person(s), being fully aware of agencies/services that people can be signposted to within the local borough, pathways inclusive of the PCC’s diversionary portfolio.

Next 5 sessions
10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Training,  
21 Places Available
10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Training,  
37 Places Available
10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Training,  
53 Places Available
10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Training,  
54 Places Available
10:00 - 12:00
Virtual Training,  
54 Places Available