7724: Performance Review Bitesize Sessions

Performance Review Bitesize Sessions
Performance Reviews – The Essentials

In addition to 1:1s/Supervisions, all managers are required to carry out Performance Reviews for their direct reports and submit Performance Rating. The review should establish if employees are on track to deliver against their objectives and behaviours for the performance year.

These sessions provide a step-by-step guide for managers on how to complete performance reviews which include conducting a review meeting online, the importance of regularly setting and reviewing objectives, submitting individual ratings and what needs to happen if anyone in your team is rated as 'development needed' or 'unsatisfactory'.

Attendance during the final half hour of this 2 hour session is optional and focusses on how to set SMART objectives. If you feel competent in this area, you can leave the session after 1 ½ hours.

No future sessions